Saturday, August 23, 2008

Prior To Becoming A Consultant With Wealth Masters International, A Consultant With, Lakeycia Jefferson Wealth Masters International( Www. Wmitoday. Com/ Wealthtransfer) Was A Network Marketer Who Experienced Firsthand The Limitations Of A Traditional Mindset. "I Never Went Beyond My Inner Circle Of Family, And Acquaintances, Friends, " She Says. "I Simply Didn T Have Access To A Marketing System That Would Enable Me To Reach The Numbers Of People Necessary To Truly Create Wealth. " Regardless Of How Hard She Worked, Jefferson Was Never Able To Generate The Massive Downline Necessary To Succeed With Traditional Network Marketing Paradigms- Which Is One Of The Reasons That She Switched To Carbon Copy Pro( Www. Wealthtransfernow. Com)

Category: Finance.

Prior to becoming a consultant with Wealth Masters International, a consultant with, Lakeycia Jefferson Wealth Masters International( www. wmitoday. com/ wealthtransfer) was a network marketer who experienced firsthand the limitations of a traditional mindset. "I never went beyond my inner circle of family, and acquaintances, friends, " she says. "I simply didn t have access to a marketing system that would enable me to reach the numbers of people necessary to truly create wealth. " Regardless of how hard she worked, Jefferson was never able to generate the massive downline necessary to succeed with traditional network marketing paradigms- which is one of the reasons that she switched to Carbon Copy Pro( www. wealthtransfernow. com) .

The collapse of the subprime mortgage market is forcing homeowners into foreclosure and is having a ripple effect on other borrowers, who are finding themselves in dire straits or in bankruptcy court. "Although people desperately want to gain control of their finances and build wealth, there has been an overwhelming trend in the opposite direction, " says Jefferson. Whichever way you look at it, American families are suffering unprecedented financial hardships. The numbers bear out Jefferson s assertions. According to the U. Federal Reserve Board, 58 percent of families with credit cards have an average outstanding balance of$ 5, 10Between 2001 and 2004( the last year for which statistics are available) , household debt increased a whopping 23 percent. Moreover, she witnessed the mistakes of those who did experience success. "Oftentimes, people who made a considerable amount of money would simply blow through it, because the companies they were affiliated with didn t offer direction and guidance to help them achieve their long- term goals, " Jefferson says. During the same time period, the median income fell almost a full percentage point, to$ 37, 80Furthermore, nine percent of families surveyed by the Fed reported that they had been at least 60 days late with a payment in the previous year. "Unless and until Americans adopt the practices of the wealthy, they will continue to spend more money than they earn, and have nothing to show for a lifetime of hard work, " says Jefferson.

In contrast, she has found Wealth Masters International s commitment to personal and financial growth a refreshing change. "The company offers a free analysis of a member s credit situation and helps them get on track to pay down their personal debt and step on the road to financial freedom, " Jefferson says. "The company has alliances with experts in everything from credit repair and financial goal- setting to investments and wealth accumulation strategies. " Jefferson notes that the company s" Six Steps to Freedom" resources have not only assisted her in her consultancy, but have helped her develop skills that she routinely uses in her other business ventures. But the most rewarding part is being able to help other people stop the downward spiral and not only live, but also thrive, " Jefferson concludes. The six steps involve analyzing your personal finances, minimizing your tax obligations, creating a savings fund, ensuring that you are legally protected, building a legacy through wealth creation, and creating a lifestyle that achieves your personal goals. "Wealth Masters International has enabled me to create a life where I can achieve my income potential and spend more time with my family. Considering the state of our nation s collective financial trouble, that s refreshing news indeed.


There Are In Reality Two Main Types Of Home Equity Debt - Imogene Pietz about Finance:

Home equity is the value that your home has due to the payments that you have made on your mortgage. It can be confusing to deal with all these terms but the reality of the situation is that you have to arm yourself with the knowledge of these terms.

Always Store Your Card In The Same Place In Your Purse Or Wallet - Gay Campo's Finance blog:

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" - wise words!

A New Home Loan System That Has Become Fairly Popular Across The United States Is The Mortgage Accelerator Program - Finance Blog:

A new home loan system that has become fairly popular across the United States is the mortgage accelerator program. This mortgage program has been used successfully in Australia and the United Kingdom for the past several years.

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